Month of Giving – December 2021
In the month of December The Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi created the “Month of Giving,” where each week in December we selected a local charity to donate all the profits of our Kinsmen Radio Bingo on Rewind 95.9. Thanks to our incredible community we were proudly able to give the following to our chosen charities. To the Miramichi Hospital Foundation – $2087 (pictured with Life Member Steve Myles), the Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women – $1491 (Kin Ian Gerrish, pictured with Patty Michaud, Executive Director of the Emergency Centre for Women), and the Miramichi Community Food Bank – $1576 (Kin Brendan Manderson pictured with Jean Matchett from the Food Bank.)
From the bottom of our hearts we thank all of our Miramichi Kinsmen Radio Bingo players who allow us to continue to “Serve the Communities Greatest Need.”